This hard drive rocks! It replaced an old WD 120GBKINGSTON FLASH MEMORY EIDE hard drive. I now have 2 HDs on my computer, a Seagate ST 250GBKINGSTON FLASH MEMORY and my new one the Western Digital WD 500GB, both SATA. From switching the computer on, it used to take about 4 minutes for XP to come up and use the explorer with the WD120 and 3 minutes with the ST250. The WD500 KINGSTON FLASH MEMORYdoes it in under a minute! But it is not only the fast I/O. It also got a 16MBKINGSTON FLASH MEMORY cache for lightning fast lookups. I thought that was going to be useless. I was wrong.
The cache totally blew me away. It is unbelievable how fast this hardKINGSTON FLASH MEMORY .